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creative photo

Creative Photography
Ms. Sergonis

Course Description
This introductory course approaches photography as a pure art form with an emphasis on creativity and self-expression. Students learn about basic design principles and their relationship to photographic composition and content. Students will gain insight into their work and the work of other photographers through group and individual critiques. Black and white print manipulation, portraiture, macro, multiple exposure, photo montage, pinhole camera, digital photography and other special effects will be explored. The history of photography as well as the study of various photographers and their work will be studied. The essential skills of shooting, composition, developing, printmaking, and print presentation are stressed.

Course Requirements
Attendance: Your attendance, punctuality, and class participation is essential to your success in this course. You are responsible for any and all missed work when you are absent.

Camera: You must have access to a 35mm SLR camera. It must be a film camera and should be manual. Not having a camera or not being able to borrow one, etc. is not a legitimate excuse for not having an assignment complete in a photography class. If you have an issue with this, please see me.

Notebook: You are required to keep a 3 ring binder with 5 dividers to hold all of your notes and materials. This notebook is for the entire year (do not throw anything out!) and will be graded at the end of each marking period. The sections are as follows: syllabus, assignments, vocab, notes, negatives.

Classwork: You are expected to arrive prepared and ready to work in class. For every day spent not working in class, you will receive a 0 for that day. 3 zeros result in detention, 5 zeros result in a dropped letter grade for the marking period.

Shooting Assignments: You will have in class as well as homework shooting assignments. This course does require a lot of time outside of class to complete projects. You are responsible for completing all homework shooting assignments in a timely manner, there are no excuses. If you ever need extra film, we use Kodak Tri-X B&W film. Film, contact sheets, and final prints are due on the specified due dates. Failure to turn assignments in on time will result in a reduction of your grade (loss of 10pts for everyday late). If there is a severe issue, you may speak to me before the due date.

Critiques: You are expected to be present for and to participate in all class critiques. This is part of your class participation grade

Exams: Your exams will be written, the final will also include a practical component.

Field Trips: Various field trips will be planned during the course of the year for shooting assignments, as well as trips to galleries and museums. Dates/details TBA.

Art Enrichment
Extra help and open studio time will be offered as much as possible after school. Dates TBA.

Grading Criteria
You are encouraged to re-shoot or reprint any assignments on which you receive a C or lower. It is your responsibility to speak to me and it must be completed within the same marking period in which it was assigned. You may not use class time to redo assignments.
All grades will be posted on TeacherEase as soon as possible and it is your responsibility to keep track of your own progress and make any needed changes or improvements to ensure your success in this course, well before the conclusion of a marking period (i.e. do not wait until the last minute!)
Your grades will be based on the following break down:
Class Work/Participation - 20%
Assignments - 45%
Tests/Quizzes - 20%
Notebook - 15%

Honor Code
Plagiarism, copying, or any other form of dishonesty will not be tolerated. Film, negatives, prints, or photographs from previous photo classes or other people may not be used.
All photographs must be of a subject matter and composition which is morally and legally appropriate for display in a school/public exhibit. Meaning, work may not be offensive to any ethnic group, gender, etc., sexually explicit, or promote drugs and/or violence.

Horizontal Divider 8

helpful photo links

how to use a camera

Shooting Assignments

In-Class Shooting Assignment
Due: Friday Oct 5


Shooting Assignment- Architecture
Due: Monday October 22

Need some help with this week's assignment? Check out the "Tips and Hints" page.

Society takes what it wants. The artist himself does not count, because there is no actual existence for the work of art. The work of art is always based on the two poles of the onlooker and the maker, and the spark that comes from the bipolar action gives birth to something - like electricity. But the onlooker has the last word, and it is always posterity that makes the masterpiece. The artist should not concern himself with this, because it has nothing to do with him.

- Marcel Duchamp